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Dental Bridges Santa Maria, CA

A dental bridge is a permanent restoration that restores missing teeth. Dental bridges in Santa Maria can be used to restore a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. They’re an excellent option for patients who don’t want or can’t afford dental implants but want a more permanent option than a removable partial denture.

What Is a Dental Bridge from Santa Barbara Family Dentistry?

A bridge (also known as a fixed partial denture) is one way your Santa Maria dentist can replace a missing tooth. A dental bridge is a good way to maintain a stable bite and restore your beautiful smile. It can also help prevent a series of chain reactions that can be caused by losing a tooth and that are detrimental to your oral health, including:


  • Shifting teeth

  • Difficulty cleaning your teeth thoroughly

  • Loss of jawbone density

  • Difficulty chewing

  • Clenching and grinding

  • TMJ disorder


How Will My Santa Maria Dentist Decide If I Need a Dental Bridge?

To determine if a bridge is right for you, we’ll perform a thorough examination to ensure that the adjacent teeth are healthy and can provide a strong foundation for a bridge. The exam often includes taking x-rays and checking around the teeth for periodontal disease.

If your Santa Maria dentist decides you have healthy teeth, gum tissue, and bone levels, you’ll be a good candidate for a dental bridge.

What Are the Benefits of Investing in Dental Bridges in Santa Maria?

If you lose a tooth and don’t restore it, you’ll have several issues because your bite will start to shift.

First, the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth will start to shift to fill the space. This can throw your bite off, straining the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of your head and neck. The result:

  • Jaw pain

  • Chronic headaches or migraines

  • Difficulty chewing

  • Difficulty opening and closing your mouth


Second, the shift will create an imbalance in your bite, adding more pressure to certain teeth. The additional pressure wears the tooth down faster than average. You can end up with chipped, cracked, and fractured teeth that need crowns or veneers to protect them.

Thankfully, by restoring missing teeth with dental bridges in Santa Maria, you can protect your teeth and jaw joints, reduce your risk of pain, and prevent long-term damage to healthy teeth.

What Happens at a Bridge Delivery Appointment?


When we receive your bridge from the lab, we’ll remove your temporary and try on the new bridge. Your Santa Maria dentist will evaluate the fit, check the bite, and permanently cement the restoration. Then, your dental team will explain how to care for your new bridge, including showing you how to use floss threaders to floss under the pontic and around the abutments.

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What Is the Difference Between a Dental Bridge and a Dental Implant?

A dental bridge consists of three components:

  • Two abutment crowns

  • A pontic (fake tooth)

The abutment crowns fit over the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth, and the pontic fills the space. The three units are fused for strength and stability.

A dental implant also consists of three components:

  • An implant screw

  • An abutment

  • An implant crown

The implant screw is surgically placed into the jawbone. The abutment fits on top and gives the crown something to fit over. An implant looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth.

The reasons some patients choose dental bridges instead of implants include:


  • You don’t need a surgical procedure

  • You don’t have to wait months to get your restoration (implant patients need to wait for the implant to integrate into the bone before they can get their crown)

  • Dental bridges in Santa Maria are often more cost-effective than dental implants

  • More insurance companies cover dental bridges than dental implants


What Happens During a Bridge Preparation Appointment?

The bridge preparation appointment is similar to a crown preparation appointment, except that we’re preparing multiple teeth for restoration.

Your dentist will numb the teeth and take an impression for a temporary bridge. Then, they’ll evaluate the abutment teeth for decay. If there’s any found, they’ll remove it and place a filling/build-up if necessary.

The next step is to reduce the height and circumference of the abutment teeth so the abutment crowns can fit over them. Your Santa Maria dentist will ensure the margins are smooth for a good fit.

Next, your dental team will take an impression of the preparation, which is sent to a dental laboratory. A highly trained lab tech will fabricate your new custom, permanent bridge, a process that can take a few weeks.

After the impression, we’ll make a temporary bridge for you.


Restore Your Smile with
Dental Bridges in Santa Maria

If you lose a tooth, you have several options for restoring it. A dental bridge is a fast, long-term solution that can help preserve your oral health. Talk to your dentist about whether you’re a good candidate for a dental bridge.

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To learn more about how a dental bridge can help restore your smile!

(805) 922-7725

620 W Main St, Santa Maria, CA 93458
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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